"Playstation Manners" is a reality TV competition show where contestants compete against each other by playing a PlayStation game.
Each episode, a PlayStation console and one of its popular multi- player game are delivered to two different families.
A parent and a child in each family have only a few days to learn and master the game given to them before they face the opponent family members in an exhibition match.
Sera Film Services is the co-owner of “Playstation Manners” and has the equal producing and licensing rights.
"Playstation Manners" is a reality TV competition show where contestants compete against each other by playing a PlayStation game.
Each episode, a PlayStation console and one of its popular multi- player game are delivered to two different families.
A parent and a child in each family have only a few days to learn and master the game given to them before they face the opponent family members in an exhibition match.
Sera Film Services is the co-owner of “Playstation Manners” and has the equal producing and licensing rights.
A Reality TV Competition Show
about Console Gaming
December 2017