“Boss Lady” is a reality competition show where female contestants with little to no experience take over their husbands’/ partners’ financially distressed business and try to turn them around while competing with each other to make the highest operating profit margin each week, since at the end of each week, the contestant with the lowest operating margin gets eliminated.
At the end of the final week, the contestant with the highest operating profit margin for the week becomes the winner of the season and takes home cash prize.
Who will succeed and become The Boss Lady?
Sera Film Services is the co-owner of “Hang In There” and has the equal producing and licensing rights.
“Boss Lady” is a reality competition show where female contestants with little to no experience take over their husbands’/ partners’ financially distressed business and try to turn them around while competing with each other to make the highest operating profit margin each week, since at the end of each week, the contestant with the lowest operating margin gets eliminated.
At the end of the final week, the contestant with the highest operating profit margin for the week becomes the winner of the season and takes home cash prize.
Who will succeed and become The Boss Lady?
Sera Film Services is the co-owner of “Hang In There” and has the equal producing and licensing rights.
A Reality TV Competition Show
about Woman Entrepreneurship
March 2017